Get all the user properties information from Active Directory, SharePoint online and 2013
Whole class is as:
using System.DirectoryServices;
public static string GetCurrentLoggedInuser(ClientContext clientContext)
ADMethods objAdfn = new ADMethods();
string userId = string.Empty;
Web web = clientContext.Web;
User user = clientContext.Web.CurrentUser;
ADMethods.ADAttributes userAttributes = objAdfn.GetEmployeeAttributes(user.Email, ADMethods.AdPrpoertyParameters.mail);
userId = userAttributes.sAMAccountName; // it will return as: "NSharmaX099020"
return userId;
public class ADMethods
string sLDAP_Path = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["LDAP_Path"];
#region GetEmployeeAttributes
/// <summary>
/// Enum AD properties
/// </summary>
public enum AdPrpoertyParameters
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public enum PropertyBagLDAPKeys
private const string CONST_REGULARFULLTIME = "R";
private const string CONST_CONTRACTUSER = "C";
private const string CONST_SUPPLIERDIRECT = "T";
private const string CONST_TRUSER = "TR";
private const string CONST_AMAT = "AMAT";
private const string CONST_TEL = "TEL";
/// <summary>
/// All active directory properties
/// </summary>
public class ADAttributes
public string employeeId { get; set; }
public string employeeType { get; set; }
public string mail { get; set; }
public string sAMAccountName { get; set; }
public string displayName { get; set; }
public string givenName { get; set; }
public string manager { get; set; }
public string memberOf { get; set; }
public string department { get; set; }
public string departmentNumber { get; set; }
public string division { get; set; }
public string userAccountControl { get; set; }
public string telephoneNumber { get; set; }
public string postOfficeBox { get; set; }
public string PhysicalDeliveryOfficeName { get; set; }
public string objectClass { get; set; }
public string uId { get; set; }
public string domain { get; set; }
public string Location { get; set; }
public string Company { get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
// public string ManagerEmailAddress { get; set; }
public string managerSamAcnt { get; set; }
public string ManagerEmail { get; set; }
public string ManagerLoginName { get; set; }
public string ManagerDisplayName { get; set; }
public string ManagerDomain { get; set; }
public string co { get; set; }
public string ManagerEmployeeID { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// To get all Ad properties
/// </summary>
/// <param name="directoryEntry">Domain directory</param>
/// <param name="Filtervalue">Ad filterValue</param>
/// <param name="Input">Loginname\EmailId\EmpId</param>
/// <returns></returns>
private static ADAttributes GetDirectoryAttributes(SearchResult sresult, string Filtervalue, string Input, string DomainName)
if (sresult != null)
ADAttributes objAd = new ADAttributes
employeeId = sresult.Properties["employeeid"].Count > 0 ? sresult.Properties["employeeid"][0].ToString() : string.Empty,
employeeType = sresult.Properties["employeeType"].Count > 0 ? sresult.Properties["employeeType"][0].ToString() : string.Empty,
sAMAccountName = sresult.Properties["sAMAccountName"].Count > 0 ? sresult.Properties["sAMAccountName"][0].ToString() : string.Empty,
department = sresult.Properties["department"].Count > 0 ? sresult.Properties["department"][0].ToString() : string.Empty,
departmentNumber = sresult.Properties["departmentNumber"].Count > 0 ? sresult.Properties["departmentNumber"][0].ToString() : string.Empty,
division = sresult.Properties["division"].Count > 0 ? sresult.Properties["division"][0].ToString() : string.Empty,
manager = sresult.Properties["manager"].Count > 0 ? sresult.Properties["manager"][0].ToString() : string.Empty,
managerSamAcnt = (sresult.Properties.Contains("manager") == true) ? Convert.ToString(sresult.Properties["manager"][0]).Split(',')[0].Split('=')[1] : string.Empty, // Splitting manger name
//manager = (sresult.Properties.Contains("manager") == true) ? Convert.ToString(sresult.Properties["manager"][0]).Split(',')[0].Split('=')[1] : string.Empty, // Splitting manger name
displayName = sresult.Properties["displayName"].Count > 0 ? sresult.Properties["displayName"][0].ToString() : string.Empty,
PhysicalDeliveryOfficeName = sresult.Properties["physicalDeliveryOfficeName"].Count > 0 ? sresult.Properties["physicalDeliveryOfficeName"][0].ToString() : string.Empty,
mail = sresult.Properties["mail"].Count > 0 ? sresult.Properties["mail"][0].ToString() : string.Empty,
memberOf = sresult.Properties["memberOf"].Count > 0 ? sresult.Properties["memberOf"][0].ToString() : string.Empty,
//memberOf = (sresult.Properties["memberOf"].Count > 0) ? Convert.ToString(sresult.Properties["memberOf"][0]).Split(',')[0].Split('=')[1] : string.Empty, //Splitting manger name
userAccountControl = sresult.Properties["userAccountControl"].Count > 0 ? sresult.Properties["userAccountControl"][0].ToString() : string.Empty,
givenName = sresult.Properties["givenName"].Count > 0 ? sresult.Properties["givenName"][0].ToString() : string.Empty,
objectClass = sresult.Properties["objectClass"].Count > 0 ? sresult.Properties["objectClass"][0].ToString() : string.Empty,
postOfficeBox = sresult.Properties["postOfficeBox"].Count > 0 ? sresult.Properties["postOfficeBox"][0].ToString() : string.Empty,
telephoneNumber = sresult.Properties["telephoneNumber"].Count > 0 ? sresult.Properties["telephoneNumber"][0].ToString() : string.Empty,
uId = sresult.Properties["uId"].Count > 0 ? sresult.Properties["uId"][0].ToString() : string.Empty,
Location = sresult.Properties["L"].Count > 0 ? sresult.Properties["L"][0].ToString() : string.Empty,
Company = sresult.Properties["Company"].Count > 0 ? sresult.Properties["Company"][0].ToString() : string.Empty,
FirstName = sresult.Properties["givenName"].Count > 0 ? sresult.Properties["givenName"][0].ToString() : string.Empty,
LastName = sresult.Properties["sn"].Count > 0 ? sresult.Properties["sn"][0].ToString() : string.Empty,
// ManagerEmailAddress = sresult.Properties["ManagerEmailAddress"].Count > 0 ? sresult.Properties["ManagerEmailAddress"][0].ToString() : string.Empty,
co = sresult.Properties["co"].Count > 0 ? sresult.Properties["co"][0].ToString() : string.Empty,
domain = DomainName
return objAd;
return null;
/// <summary>
/// To get Employee Attributes
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Input">Login Name/empid/mailI</param>
/// <param name="PropertyParameter"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public ADAttributes GetEmployeeAttributes(string Input, AdPrpoertyParameters PropertyParameter)
ADAttributes attributes = null;
string strLDAPPath = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["LDAP_Path"];
attributes = DirectoryEntryforAttributes(strLDAPPath, PropertyParameter.ToString(), Input, CONST_AMAT);
//if (attributes == null)
// attributes = DirectoryEntryforAttributes(strLDAPPath, PropertyParameter.ToString(), Input, CONST_TEL);
ADAttributes mgrAttributes = null;
mgrAttributes = DirectoryEntryforAttributes(strLDAPPath, AdPrpoertyParameters.sAMAccountName.ToString(), attributes.managerSamAcnt, CONST_AMAT);
//if (mgrAttributes == null)
// mgrAttributes = DirectoryEntryforAttributes(strLDAPPath, AdPrpoertyParameters.sAMAccountName.ToString(), attributes.managerSamAcnt, CONST_TEL);
if (mgrAttributes != null)
attributes.ManagerEmail = mgrAttributes.mail;
attributes.ManagerLoginName = mgrAttributes.sAMAccountName;
attributes.ManagerDisplayName = mgrAttributes.displayName;
attributes.ManagerDomain = mgrAttributes.domain;
attributes.ManagerEmployeeID = mgrAttributes.employeeId;
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
return attributes;
#region IsTemporaryUser
/// <summary>
/// This method used for Employee is Temporary user or not
/// </summary>
public bool IsTemporaryUser(string Input, AdPrpoertyParameters PropertyParameter)
string employeeType = string.Empty;
employeeType = GetEmployeeType(Input, PropertyParameter);
return employeeType == "T";
#region IsContractUser
/// <summary>
/// To check the Employee is Contract or not
/// </summary>
public bool IsContractUser(string Input, AdPrpoertyParameters PropertyParameter)
string employeeType = string.Empty;
employeeType = GetEmployeeType(Input, PropertyParameter);
return employeeType == CONST_CONTRACTUSER;
#region IsSuppilerDirect
/// <summary>
/// To Check the Employee is Supplier direct or not
/// </summary>
public bool IsSuppilerDirect(string Input, AdPrpoertyParameters PropertyParameter)
string employeeType = string.Empty;
employeeType = GetEmployeeType(Input, PropertyParameter);
return employeeType == CONST_SUPPLIERDIRECT;
#region IsRegularFullTime
/// <summary>
/// To Check the Employee isRegular FullTime or not
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Input">Login Name/empid/mailID</param>
/// <param name="PropertyParameter"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool IsRegularfullTime(string Input, AdPrpoertyParameters PropertyParameter)
string employeeType = string.Empty;
employeeType = GetEmployeeType(Input, PropertyParameter);
return employeeType == CONST_REGULARFULLTIME;
#region IsTRUser
/// <summary>
/// This method used for the current user is TR or not
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Input"></param>
/// <param name="PropertyParameter"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool IsTRUser(string Input, AdPrpoertyParameters PropertyParameter)
string displayName = string.Empty;
bool isTRUser = false;
ADAttributes objAdattributes;
objAdattributes = GetEmployeeAttributes(Input, PropertyParameter);
if (objAdattributes != null)
displayName = objAdattributes.displayName;
if (displayName.IndexOf("--" + CONST_TRUSER) != -1)
isTRUser = true;
return isTRUser;
#region GetEmployeeType
/// <summary>
/// To get Employee type for used is contract or Tempray or TE used
/// </summary>
public string GetEmployeeType(string Input, AdPrpoertyParameters PropertyParameter)
string employeeType = string.Empty;
ADAttributes objAdattributes;
objAdattributes = GetEmployeeAttributes(Input, PropertyParameter);
if (objAdattributes != null)
employeeType = objAdattributes.employeeType;
return employeeType;
// ***Added by Swathi****//
#region IsUserExist
/// <summary>
/// To Check this method user exist or not in active directory
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Input"></param>
/// <param name="values"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool IsUserExist(string Input, AdPrpoertyParameters PropertyParameter)
SearchResult sresult = null;
sresult = DirectoryEntry(PropertyBagLDAPKeys.AmatLdapPath.ToString(), PropertyParameter.ToString(), Input);
if (sresult == null)
sresult = DirectoryEntry(PropertyBagLDAPKeys.TelLdapPath.ToString(), PropertyParameter.ToString(), Input);
return sresult != null;
#region AMATDirectoryEntry_ForGroup
/// <summary>
/// AMAT Directory Entry for Group
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Input"></param>
/// <param name="values"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
//private static DirectorySearcher AMATDirectoryEntry_ForGroup(string GroupName)
// DirectorySearcher deSearch = new DirectorySearcher();
// DirectoryEntry de = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://DC=amat,DC=com");
// deSearch.SearchRoot = de;
// deSearch.Filter = "(&(objectClass=group)(cn=" + GroupName + "))";
// return deSearch;
//#region TELTDirectoryEntry_ForGroup
///// <summary>
///// TEL Directory Entry for Group
///// </summary>
///// <param name="Input"></param>
///// <param name="values"></param>
///// <returns></returns>
//private static DirectorySearcher TELTDirectoryEntry_ForGroup(string GroupName)
// DirectorySearcher deSearch = new DirectorySearcher();
// DirectoryEntry de = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://DC=amat,DC=com");
// deSearch.SearchRoot = de;
// deSearch.Filter = "(&(objectClass=group)(cn=" + GroupName + "))";
// return deSearch;
#region GetUsersForGroup
/// <summary>
/// To get the people in the given AD Group from the two domans
/// </summary>
/// <param name="GroupName">AD group name</param>
/// <returns>returs array list of all the users in the given AD goup</returns>
public ArrayList GetUsersForGroup(string GroupName)
ArrayList alluserEmailIDs = new ArrayList();
alluserEmailIDs = AMATGetUsersForGroup(GroupName);
alluserEmailIDs = TELGetUsersForGroup(GroupName, alluserEmailIDs);
return alluserEmailIDs;
/// <summary>
/// To get the people in the given AD Group from AMAT Domain
/// </summary>
/// <param name="GroupName">AD group name</param>
/// <returns>returs array list of all the users in the given AD goup</returns>
public ArrayList AMATGetUsersForGroup(string GroupName)
SearchResult results;
SearchResultCollection resulll;
ArrayList alEmailID = new ArrayList();
DirectorySearcher deSearch = DirectoryEntry_ForGroup(PropertyBagLDAPKeys.AmatLdapPath.ToString(), GroupName);
results = deSearch.FindOne();
resulll = deSearch.FindAll();
if (resulll != null)
DirectoryEntry deGroup = new DirectoryEntry(results.Path);
System.DirectoryServices.PropertyCollection pcoll = deGroup.Properties;
int n = pcoll["member"].Count;
string strMail = null;
for (int l = 0; l < n; l++)
DirectoryEntry deUser = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://" + pcoll["member"][l].ToString());
strMail = GetProperty(deUser, "mail") + ",";
if (null != strMail && strMail.Trim() != "")
return alEmailID;
# endregion
#region TELGetUsersForGroup
/// <summary>
/// To get the people in the given AD Group from TEL Domain
/// </summary>
/// <param name="GroupName">AD group name</param>
/// <returns>returs array list of all the users in the given AD goup</returns>
public ArrayList TELGetUsersForGroup(string GroupName, ArrayList alEmailID)
DirectorySearcher deSearch = DirectoryEntry_ForGroup(PropertyBagLDAPKeys.TelLdapPath.ToString(), GroupName);
SearchResult results = deSearch.FindOne();
SearchResultCollection resulll = deSearch.FindAll();
if (resulll != null)
DirectoryEntry deGroup = new DirectoryEntry(results.Path);
System.DirectoryServices.PropertyCollection pcoll = deGroup.Properties;
int n = pcoll["member"].Count;
string strMail = null;
for (int l = 0; l < n; l++)
DirectoryEntry deUser = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://" + pcoll["member"][l].ToString());
strMail = GetProperty(deUser, "mail") + ",";
if (null != strMail && strMail.Trim() != "")
return alEmailID;
#region GetProperty
/// <summary>
/// To get the Member of propery for the user from AD
/// </summary>
/// <param name="oDE"></param>
/// <param name="PropertyName"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private static string GetProperty(DirectoryEntry oDE, string PropertyName)
if (oDE.Properties.Contains(PropertyName))
return oDE.Properties[PropertyName][0].ToString();
return string.Empty;
#region GetDomainName
/// <summary>
/// Directry entry for TEL Domain
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Input"> value on which the AD filter need to happen</param>
/// <param name="PropertyParameter">enum value</param>
/// <returns> returns Domain name</returns>
public string GetDomainName(string Input, AdPrpoertyParameters PropertyParameter)
SearchResult sresult = null;
SearchResult sresultTEL = null;
sresult = DirectoryEntry(PropertyBagLDAPKeys.AmatLdapPath.ToString(), PropertyParameter.ToString(), Input);
if (sresult == null)
sresultTEL = DirectoryEntry(PropertyBagLDAPKeys.TelLdapPath.ToString(), PropertyParameter.ToString(), Input);
if (sresult != null)
return CONST_AMAT;
return CONST_TEL;
#region GetuserMemberof_Groupinfo
/// <summary>
/// This method used for Find out the given user belongs to which group in AD
/// </summary>
/// <param name="username">login name</param>
/// <returns>return to Group name</returns>
public string GetuserMemberof_Groupinfo(string username, ArrayList lstGroups)
string memberofgroupnames = string.Empty;
SearchResult sresult = null;
//string[] strUserId = username.Split('\\');
sresult = DirectoryEntry(PropertyBagLDAPKeys.AmatLdapPath.ToString(), "sAMAccountName", username);
//if (sresult == null)
// sresult = DirectoryEntry(PropertyBagLDAPKeys.TelLdapPath.ToString(), "sAMAccountName", username);
if (sresult != null && sresult.Properties["memberOf"].Count > 0)
//adEntry = sresult.GetDirectoryEntry();
//memberofgroupname = sresult.Properties["memberof"][0].ToString();
//memberofgroupname = memberofgroupname.Substring(0, memberofgroupname.IndexOf(','));
//memberofgroupname = memberofgroupname.Substring(memberofgroupname.IndexOf('=') + 1);
if (sresult.Properties["memberOf"].Count > 0)
foreach (string prop in sresult.Properties["memberOf"])
foreach (string strGroupName in lstGroups)
if (prop.ToLower().Contains("cn=" + strGroupName.ToLower()))
memberofgroupnames = memberofgroupnames + "," + strGroupName;
//strName = adEntry.Properties["givenName"].Value.ToString() + " " + adEntry.Properties["sn"].Value.ToString();
memberofgroupnames = memberofgroupnames.TrimStart(',');
return memberofgroupnames;
#region UserBelongsToTheGroups
/// <summary>
/// This method used for Find out the given user belongs to the given AD group
/// </summary>
/// <param name="username">login name</param>
/// <param name="lstGroups">List of AD groups</param>
/// <returns>return T/F</returns>
public bool UserBelongsToTheGroups(string userName, ArrayList lstGroups)
SearchResult searcher = null;
searcher = DirectoryEntry(PropertyBagLDAPKeys.AmatLdapPath.ToString(), "sAMAccountName", userName);
if (searcher.Properties["memberOf"].Count > 0)
foreach (string prop in searcher.Properties["memberOf"])
foreach (string strGroupName in lstGroups)
if (prop.ToLower().Contains("cn=" + strGroupName.ToLower()))
return true;
// searcher = DirectoryEntry(PropertyBagLDAPKeys.TelLdapPath.ToString(), "sAMAccountName", userName);
// if (searcher.Properties["memberOf"].Count > 0)
// {
// foreach (string prop in searcher.Properties["memberOf"])
// {
// foreach (string strGroupName in lstGroups)
// {
// if (prop.ToLower().Contains("cn=" + strGroupName.ToLower()))
// {
// return true;
// }
// }
// }
// }
return false;
#region GetEmployeeAttributes
/// <summary>
/// To get Employee Attributes overloading method
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Input">Login Name/empid/mailI</param>
/// <param name="PropertyParameter">type of input value(enum values) </param>
/// <param name="currentuserlogin"></param>
/// <returns>Returns the AD attributes for the give user of ADAttributes class trpe</returns>
public ADAttributes GetEmployeeAttributes(string Input, AdPrpoertyParameters PropertyParameter, string currentuserlogin)
ADAttributes attributes = null;
string domainName = currentuserlogin.Split(new char[] { '\\' }, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[0];
switch (domainName.ToUpper())
attributes = DirectoryEntryforAttributes(PropertyBagLDAPKeys.AmatLdapPath.ToString(), PropertyParameter.ToString(), Input, domainName.ToUpper());
attributes = DirectoryEntryforAttributes(PropertyBagLDAPKeys.TelLdapPath.ToString(), PropertyParameter.ToString(), Input, domainName.ToUpper());
return attributes;
#region DirectoryEntryforAttributes
/// <summary>
/// Method To get the user Attributes from the AD
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Input">Login Name/empid/mailI</param>
/// <param name="Filtervalue">enum type for input value</param>
/// <param name="PropertyKey">PropertyKey to get LDAp path from Property bag</param>
/// <param name="DomainName">Domain</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public ADAttributes DirectoryEntryforAttributes(string PropertyKey,string Filtervalue, string Input, string DomainName)
SearchResult sresult;
string query = string.Empty;
string ldappath = sLDAP_Path;
DirectoryEntry entry_Amat = new DirectoryEntry(ldappath);
DirectorySearcher userSearch_Amat = new DirectorySearcher(entry_Amat);
query = string.Format("(&(objectClass=user)(" + Filtervalue + "={0}))", Input);
userSearch_Amat.Filter = query;
//Remove this code if not required
sresult = userSearch_Amat.FindOne();
if (sresult == null)
query = string.Format("(&(objectClass=contact)(" + Filtervalue + "={0}))", Input);
userSearch_Amat.Filter = query;
sresult = userSearch_Amat.FindOne();
ADAttributes objAd = GetDirectoryAttributes(sresult, Filtervalue, Input, DomainName);
return objAd;
#region DirectoryEntry
/// <summary>
/// To get results form the AD
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Input">Login Name/empid/mailI</param>
/// <param name="Filtervalue">enum type for input value</param>
/// <param name="PropertyKey">PropertyKey to get LDAp path from Property bag</param>
/// <returns></returns>
private SearchResult DirectoryEntry(string PropertyKey, string Filtervalue, string Input)
SearchResult sresult;
string query = string.Empty;
string ldappath = sLDAP_Path;
DirectoryEntry entry_Amat = new DirectoryEntry(ldappath);
DirectorySearcher userSearch_Amat = new DirectorySearcher(entry_Amat);
query = string.Format("(&(objectClass=user)(" + Filtervalue + "={0}))", Input);
userSearch_Amat.Filter = query;
//Remove this code if not required
sresult = userSearch_Amat.FindOne();
if (sresult == null)
query = string.Format("(&(objectClass=contact)(" + Filtervalue + "={0}))", Input);
userSearch_Amat.Filter = query;
//Remove this code if not required
sresult = userSearch_Amat.FindOne();
return sresult;
#region DirectoryEntry_ForGroup
/// <summary>
/// To get people from the AD for the given group
/// </summary>
/// <param name="PropertyKey">PropertyKey to get LDAp path from Property bag</param>
/// <param name="GroupName">AD group name</param>
/// <returns></returns>
private DirectorySearcher DirectoryEntry_ForGroup(string PropertyKey, string GroupName)
string ldappath = sLDAP_Path;
DirectorySearcher deSearch = new DirectorySearcher();
DirectoryEntry de = new DirectoryEntry(ldappath);
deSearch.SearchRoot = de;
deSearch.Filter = "(&(objectClass=group)(cn=" + GroupName + "))";
return deSearch;
#region GetDomainName
/// <summary>
/// To get the domai name for the given input
/// </summary>
/// <param name="currentuserlogin">Login Name with domain</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public string GetDomainName(string currentuserlogin)
string domainName = currentuserlogin.Split(new char[] { '\\' }, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[0];
return domainName.ToUpper();
public void GetGroupMembers(string strGroup)
System.Collections.Generic.List<string> groupMemebers = new System.Collections.Generic.List<string>();
DirectoryEntry ent = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://DC=AMAT,DC=COM");// Change by your AD link
DirectorySearcher srch = new DirectorySearcher("(CN=" + strGroup + ")");
SearchResultCollection coll = srch.FindAll();
foreach (SearchResult rs in coll)
ResultPropertyCollection resultPropColl = rs.Properties;
foreach (Object memberColl in resultPropColl["member"])
DirectoryEntry gpMemberEntry = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://" + memberColl);
System.DirectoryServices.PropertyCollection userProps = gpMemberEntry.Properties;
//getting user properties from AD
object obVal = userProps["displayName"].Value;
object obAcc = userProps["sAMAccountName"].Value;
//if (null != obVal)
// //groupMemebers.Add(obVal.ToString().ToLower());//display the display name
// groupMemebers.Add(obAcc.ToString().ToLower());//Display the login
//else groupMemebers.AddRange(GetGroupMembers(userProps["sAMAccountName"].Value.ToString()));
catch (Exception ex)
// return groupMemebers;